# 1 Afghanistan vs Indonesia

Every Saturday night, musicians from all over the world meet in the heart of Amsterdam at the Iranian Teahouse Mezrab to play in fascinating jam-sessions. The Mezrab is a place where the dream of a Dutch multicultural society seems to become reality. But did the Iranian family who started the Mezrab and the musicians who always gather there manage to connect with the Dutch community around them? What’s their relationship with the local music tradition known as Smartlappen? Can music be considered a creative tool for intercultural communication and therefore for integration? These questions will be addressed in occasion of the 5th anniversary of the Mezrab, when the local Smartlap singers will be invited to join a night of musical improvisation and intercultural communication. The project is currently in development.

Realized by Godmother Films in collaboration with The Kennedys
Concept by Zoe D’Amaro & Marco Della Coletta
Directed and produced by Zoe D’Amaro
Edited by Marco Della Coletta
Cinematography by Obinna Mgbado, Alessandro Felici & Zoe D’Amaro